Tag: impression

  • You can’t be a crowd pleaser

    I try to make everyone happy in life. But sometimes I try too hard. You simply can’t please everyone. I hate it when people pass a negative judgement on me. Call me sensitive but it’s only human nature to react in that way. In fact, the more you try to please everyone, the more you’re going to piss people off.

    First impression counts too. People often say that depth of character is more important but honestly speaking, who doesn’t form a certain impression of someone the first time you meet him? For instance, during interviews, candidates are not only judged on their answers but also their appearance.

    The pursuit of perfection is futile. There’s no way to make everyone like you no matter how hard you try. So instead of trying to be someone who you’re not, why not revert to being yourself? We just have to accept the fact that some people just can’t get along.