Tag: good old times

  • 508 Victoria Street

    As we stepped through its gate for one last time, we take a long look back at the place we had come to call our second home. That was 8 years ago, when we received our PSLE results. Over the years, we would always take time off our busy schedules to pay a visit, catch up with the people and reminisce about the good old days.

    It has always acted as our bridge to the past. A common spot where we all had shared memories of our schooling days. But it is also a connection of our present. The place where we met up and spent time in almost every Chinese New Year’s eve. It’s the people that keeps us grounded to this place, and we hadn’t come back cos’ we never really left.

    Very soon, this sanctuary will no longer be ours. The days we spent playing hopscotch behind the canteen. The days we spent atop the monkey bars in the field. The days we spent running around the hall in a game of Dog-and-Bone. The days will be gone, reduced to memories etched in our minds. But memories do live on forever, and it will always be ours to hold dear.

    The facade may change, the people may not longer be here but the times we have shared will always linger on in every corner. In our hearts, this place will always be known as our beloved school. But as an era comes to end, it’s here and now that we have to part. And as a chapter closes, a new one begins.