Building Blocks


I’ve always loved building things, or more specifically, computer programs. I may not have gone to coding school or studied computing, but programming has always intrigued me. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as getting a line of code running right after countless hours of debugging though that doesn’t make the process any more enjoyable.

But doing it as a hobby or sideline vs doing it for work is a whole different ballgame. With pressing deadlines and code that doesn’t always work as intended, it takes away that fun factor and ends up being a race of chasing timelines. The challenge increases manifold when writing code within a framework that someone else has built without proper documentation, akin to a black box.

Nonetheless, I still like writing codes and building simple applications. When I see the few lines of codes making light work of menial tasks which typically saps away time which could’ve been spent more productively, that sense of achievement is quite unsurpassed. Will I ever get tired of programming? Maybe one day but not today.