Though I could already have seen this day coming, it still feels a little surreal when the news hit you. The thought of abandonment and the bleak future with the weight of the world on your shoulders, it plunges you into the 5 stages of grief. And it first begins with the denial of what’s to come.
But as reality sets in, it turns quickly to anger like a stab in the back, a betrayal and a desertion of their post. They say there’s never a good time to leave though you’d still can’t help but wonder why now of all time. Next is the bargaining stage as you try to self-rationalise against the feeling of helplessness.
Soon depression sinks in. There’s sadness and a sense of overwhelming disappointment as you’ll no doubt feel that it becomes a fruitless struggle against the inevitable and give up. But eventually you can reach acceptance where you put yourself into their shoes and see things from their perspective.
The grass may indeed be greener for them on the other side of the fence and they may find themselves in a better place. You’ll also grow to become a stronger person because you have to learn and develop in new areas. So it may well be a win-win for everyone.
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