Clipped Wings


Working from home and takeouts are going to be the new norm for a while. Travelling is never gonna be the same again. The pandemic has forced us to rethink how normal is supposed to be, and will undoubtedly herald a paradigm shift in everyday life.

To be honest, after 2 months of staying in, I miss being out even though I’m a homebody. There was a time when I could bounce around various worksites without having to seek permission first. Or how I could get away from the office during lunch and take in some fresh air while dining out.

And then of course, the one thing most people can’t wait to do once this outbreak is over – travel. Like many wanderlust in my generation, yearly overseas vacations have become a necessity if only to stay sane and switch off from work. But frankly, I don’t think it’s coming back anytime soon in 2020.