2016 Year in Review

As 2016 draws to a close, it’s time again to reflect and look back at what happened this year. At the beginning of the year, I set out a new year resolution to reconnect with friends I’ve lost contact with and be more proactive in maintaining existing relationships. I mentally made a list of who I wanted to reach out and I’m glad I’ve checked everyone off that list as the year comes to an end.

In fact, during the first half of the year, I found myself touching base with more of my old friends than I ever did in my life. The year-end festive season has been a great time to catch up with people too. But not everything is sunshine and roses though. Throughout the course of the year, I’ve “lost” friends too with some departing for overseas work stints while others pulled a Houdini and vanished off the radar.

The best news of the year? One of my closest secondary school friend finally got married and I had the great pleasure serving as his best man. I’ve known him for 15 years and counting, and the couple for almost a decade now. I felt doubly honoured to be given the opportunity to deliver a speech at the solemnization ceremony. Indeed, their relationship is a testament that even in modern times, true love can withstand the test of time (9+ years!) and distance (Singapore-Dublin).

2016 had some of the brightest and darkest moments, but which year didn’t. Next year, more friends are getting hitched and more are also going to be jetting off to work abroad. Even though my social circle is going to shrink, I’m going to keep up this year’s resolution of staying in touch because I believe a relationship can’t sustain itself without effort. And as I see now, 2017 is shaping up to be another fab year of spontaneous meet-ups and adventures!


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