I’ve been talking about leaving my current position for almost 2 years now, but till today, I haven’t moved. It’s not that I’m having second thoughts however. Instead it’s inertia and a whole lot of procrastination that’s putting this move on hold. Something changed though. I don’t know what but it all just clicked one day.
I’m done with living with the status quo because it’s just an excuse to run away from the problem. I’m not going to rest on my laurels anymore; I’m setting the move in motion. My resume has always been kept up to date, so refreshing it wasn’t the toughest. Rather, finding the right opportunity and identifying where my skills set fit were the most challenging of tasks.
Today, I fired the first salvo. After a 3-year absence, I’ve thrown myself back into the market and essentially put up a “Come Get Me” sign on several medium. Additionally, I’ve earmarked a couple of potential roles which I see a job-skills fit. It’s probably going to take a while before the responses arrive, given the festive season, but at least I’ve gotten into the momentum.
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