A Moment in Time

I ran into an ex-classmate today while I was having lunch. Technically I should not use the word run into ‘cos I didn’t go up to her and introduce myself. It wasn’t because there was any animosity between us or that I was worried that she wouldn’t remember who I am.

For friends who have know me well enough, they probably know that I wouldn’t acknowledge a friend that I pass by on the street unless he/she notices me and waved hello first. It’s just the way I am. Some may call me aloof but I don’t really care what others think. I guess we are all entitled to our own opinions.

I believe in serendipity – if fate decides that our gaze meet and we come to the realization that the other party is someone we’re acquainted with, then we’ll catch up for a brief moment in time before we part. Should we never cross paths again, then so be it.


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