At the start of the year, I resolve to find time this year to reconnect with friends I’ve lost contact with or not been contacting frequently enough. End of the first quarter, I think I’m well on my way. While it’s still to early to call it, the number of meet-ups I had in the past 3 months is probably more than the sum of the previous 2 to 3 years’ combined.
As we age, our social circle shrinks. And it gets to a point when there’s only sufficient room for our family. From another angle, we can see it as this: most people in this circle are transient. During various stages of our life, we have different groups of friends. But without a common thread which transcends past that phase, it’s inevitable that we move tangentially thereafter.
I’ve to count my blessings that I still have a core group of friends from each stage of my life with me today. For someone who’s not the sociable type, I’m thankful for their continued presence through these years. And I’m sure they’ll continue to be part of my life in some way. My quest is not done yet though; there are a handful whom I’ve yet to get in touch with and my next step is to reach out to them.