Year 2014 in Review

2014 is ending. It’s been a great year and like 2013, possibly a life-changing one. The first half was largely forgettable but things got into full swing in the second half. As projects went ahead at full steam, life got busier. And sometime somewhere between these projects, life got a little more complete too.

But the best things in life aren’t free; you lose some, you gain some. It’s true that love, work, and friends don’t mix well. Unfortunately, time is a finite concept in our lifetime. So as much as I wanted to achieve a good balance of all three, it’s virtually impossible to do so.

There was also a period of sombreness when Grandma was on life’s brink only to make a miraculous recovery albeit a loss of mobility. However, being confined to the bed most of the time meant that a lot of changes have had to happen around the house. But it was a relief to see her home in a familiar environment surrounded by family again.

On the whole though, 2014 has been pretty good to me. There were tumultuous times but those didn’t last long. Seeing friends getting hitched and having kids of their own made for happier occasions. No doubt the coming year will be filled with more joyous news, so here’s an advanced toast to 2015!


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