Summer of ’11


In 3 weeks’ time, I’ll bid adieu to summer, wrap up my internship stint and head back to school. It’s often lauded that academic life is better than the working life, and at times the other way round. But to each its own. In my opinion, I don’t think one’s better than the other – each presents its own set of challenges and opportunities, and in life, it’s about making the most of these chances. More importantly, we must be willing to learn and find enjoyment in the process, whether it’s in school or at work.

When I first started my internship this summer, colleagues and friends have questioned why I, as a Finance major, had chosen to work in the creative line. My answer was that I wanted to experience the industry as well as explore future career options. In the past 3 months, I’ve indeed learnt a great deal – both technical and soft skills that are transferable. While the job may be mundane at times, and perhaps a little low-paying, I found joy in enabling my co-workers to do their jobs better. This made the whole experience worthwhile.

In all honesty, we know only a handful will land their dream jobs; the rest of us will be stuck in jobs we love to hate. But it’s important we continuously learn from whatever opportunities that arise, better ourselves, and seek self-fulfillment through enriching the lives of others. I’ve always believe that it isn’t about having the best things in life but rather, life is about living by your set of ideals and enjoying what you do. This summer, I’ve achieved that.