Life is fragile

Every breath you take is a miracle in itself everyday. We’re lucky to be healthy while millions around the world live in misery; waiting for their time to be up. Every day, people born and people die. We’re not spared from this vicious cycle though; death is a certainty that comes to every living thing. But before our own passing, we have to live through the suffering of our loved ones. It pains us to know that there’s nothing we can do to ease their agony.

Life hits you when you least expect it. That’s why people often say that life is unpredictable. It’s fine if you get knocked down but you get right back up stronger. Didn’t they say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? But if it hits you so hard that you don’t get back up immediately, don’t give up because everyone by your side is screaming for you to get back on your feet.

It’s ironic how life’s fair and unfair at the same time. Life is fair because death can come to anyone at any time, yet it’s also unfair when it choose to take away the lives of those we love so much. It’s so strange that I’ve seen you ‘die’ so many times but you get right back up once the battle is over. You must this time too. I wish I could do more for you but there’s only this much that I can do, the rest’s up to you. I know you won’t give up without a fight, so win this fight for us and all those that love you.


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