Living in Trepidation

I’ve never felt so uneasy for the past twenty-something years of my life. The feeling that a strange pair of eyes was watching your every movement in the house. The feeling of waking up to a place you can’t call home anymore. We take the peace and serenity of our homes for granted until we’ve lost it. Just like everything else, we’ll only start to treasure what’s been lost.

For the first time in years, I didn’t feel like returning home to a place so strange and foreign; the freedom to do as I like lost. Being kept on your toes and turning around every now and then to see if you are being followed. A caged animal – you on the inside and the strange man on the outside, peering into every details of your life. It has crumbled everything the family and home stood for.

I don’t know how long this feeling would last but I think it will stick for a while. Even if the normality resumes, the same sense of security will be gone forever. The bubble has been prodded and you know it could very well burst with the next prod. But when push comes to shove, we can’t sit back and be pushed. Stand up and protect what you’ve always believe in.


6 responses to “Living in Trepidation”

  1. zj

    I’m confused, please enlighten me…

  2. My place’s being watched by a lunatic and I can’t help but feel ill at ease.

  3. zj

    Haha, i thought you were either quarantined by MOH or getting harassed by some sex pervert from the language you used. Maybe i think too much, but just lower your curtains la!

  4. Haha. But you have to realize that it’s not just my security and privacy that’s at stake but my estate’s too.

  5. zj

    So what do you and your family intend to do? Call the police or settle among yourselves?

  6. He left after being warned by the cops. He’s still hanging around my neighbourhood but at least he’s not outside my house.

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