Water (What a) fine city!


In yet another first for the fine city of Singapore, it seems that drinking water on trains could get you fined. Widely known for its ban on chewing gum, the city’s major train operator began enforcing fines on commuters who are caught eating or drinking on its trains starting this week. While we understand the need to upkeep the country’s clean and green image, this decision came across to many as dogmatic and insensitive.

While it is reasonable to take action against those who consume food or drinks that could dirty the trains, it is illogical and insensible to implement an outright ban on all consumables. Besides drinking water, eating sweets or lozenges are also disallowed. That said, commuters who need to take their medicine onboard are required to approach station staff before embarkation so that special arrangements can be made. However, for the average everyday commuter, you’re simply out of luck.

I’m truly dumbfounded by the measures taken to ensure compliance and little leeway for maneuver. Our reputation as a ‘fine’ city already precedes our name, and this particular proceeding just goes to reinforce our notoriety. While we strive hard at promoting service excellence, as long as there exist apathy and dogmatism, our efforts will be stifled. What the service industry really needs is a dose of compassion mixed with a little common sense to save the ailing service standards here.