Oh, how ever reliant have we become on this function! I don’t think I can even spell properly without it. Modern-day writing is a dying art. We are all so used to tapping on plastic keys that we wonder if one day the mighty pen and paper would become obsolete. Okay, maybe it’s just me, but I swear I haven’t grasp a pen in my hands for the longest time.
Today, we fervently hammer away on our keyboards or subconsciously punch out text messages on our mobiles almost everyday, but ask yourself, when was the last time you actually wrote with a pen or pencil? In fact, I am certain that I can text or type faster than if I was to write, but more importantly, I don’t even need to know how to actually spell the words!
So, the spell checker is a godsend. They are pretty much omnipresent. Word processors – check. Internet browsers – check. Mobile phones – check. Do you know how lost I felt when I did a fresh install of Firefox only to realize the in-built spell check isn’t working? I couldn’t even spell tommorow tomorrow properly! Turns out I needed to install the dictionary first. Why doesn’t this thing comes pre-installed anyway?!
Either way, I still love my spell check. Do you?