Black Friday

It’s Friday the 13th today. Superstition has it that on this day, bad things will happen. Whether you want it or not. They say seeing a black cat, breaking a mirror or standing under a ladder will bring you bad luck. But what’s worse is that trouble will come your way even when you avoid all this. And you least expect it when it’s the END of the week and all you want to do is knock off from work.

But sometimes, maybe you would have already seen it coming. The tell-tale signs were there. You can almost smell the storm brewing. But you know it was inevitable that this day will come eventually. It was already written in the stars. Trouble. It isn’t our fault but who can you put the blame on? It only takes a man to bring down a company’s name, but it takes a whole lot more to build one up.

It’s certain that all of us would be implicated. Innocent or not. Though we haven’t quite started on the right note, hopefully things will iron themselves out in the days to come. No one can tell what’s in store for us in the future so we can still make things right again. The ball is now in our court and we have to choose carefully how we want to play it because another caution will only get us a red card.


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