Goodbye 2007. Welcome to 2008. A new year promises new challenges. This month, we would be spending almost every day out in the field because of a hectic schedule. Not bad an experience eh? Then, there are rumours flying around that future evaluations will be stretched over a period of 5 days instead of 4. How wonderful. Probably Saturday book-outs too. *Cross fingers*
We also shouldn’t forget that we’re already booking out late on Friday nights on preparation week. Yes, these are big changes but I believe we’ll adjust well. However, there are bigger events to look forward to this year. In March, we’ll be going on our first overseas evaluation in Thailand. And there’s more further down the road. Taiwan and Australia awaits.
People are also leaving as their operational-ready dates loom in the corner. We’ll bid farewell some of the specialists, commanders, and soon, our seniors too. But with the year promising so much excitement, the future looks bright.