I experienced my first evaluation this week. It lasted 4 days 3 nights but fortunately it didn’t rain throughout. The last time I had such a long outfield trip was during BMT field camp. Anyway, I shouldn’t complain since longer ones are still looming in the horizon. But then again, it wouldn’t come that soon. Probably a couple of months more.
It is a relatively new experience for us as all our previous outfields were for training purposes. This time round, we have become evaluators testing the efficiency and capability of our armed forces. But in a way, we are still learning because it is still relatively foreign to us. And even those who are already experienced will be using each evaluation to refine and brush up on their skills.
However, it’s a shame that I didn’t really perform up to standards because I ran up a temperature on the second day and my previously twisted ankle was giving me problems. Thank goodness I made it out alive. Ok, maybe I exaggerate too much but it really makes you feel like you’re going to faint anytime.
This evaluation has taught me two very important lessons. Numero Uno – Drink lots of water when you’re outfield even if you’re not thirsty. Yes, even if you have to pee many times. Second – Don’t stay in the sun too long without proper cover. You’ll overheat, like me.