Shagged out

In total contrast to last week, this week was a killer that pushed most, if not, all of us beyond our physical and mental limits. It is not just a sense of tiredness and lethargy due to a serious lack of sleep but also the mental stress that we had to constantly face. It all started on Wednesday.

We had our very first navigation exercise as a section in the diminishing forests of Singapore. For the exercise, we were tasked to locate checkpoints during the day and night. But as good as we thought we would be, after hours of bashing through dense vegetation, we found ourselves hopelessly lost in the middle of nowhere. In the end, although we were so relieved that we found our way out, we still can’t escape from the fact that we had failed miserably.

Fortunately, a day of rest managed to replenish some of our energy before an improvised summary exercise that would conclude our already shortened 12-week course. However, our little remaining energy were quickly depleted. Our physical and mental endurance were put to the test throughout the day and night. We salvaged as much sleep as we could to cut down our fatigue level. Though exhausted and sleep-deprived, we were in high spirits as we have all pulled through together.


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