People say that first impressions count. A person who is dressed shabbily doesn’t mean that he is a poor man. Who knows? He may even be the richest man in the neighbourhood. Looks aside, a person’s character shouldn’t be judged solely by his actions at that instant. Do we condemn an individual just because he has made mistakes in the past?
Nobody is perfect, everyone commits mistakes. But what’s more important is repentance. When we make mistakes, we must learn from it and prevent ourselves from going down the same way again. I can see that in one of my friend. He used to fool around a lot and we accept it as it’s part of his personality. Unknowningly, he made a grave mistake that landed him into serious trouble.
But, it served as a learning lesson to him. We didn’t denounce him because we know that he is good-natured at heart and the mistake was a moment of folly. Since then, although he still remains as playful, I can see that he has repented. So, in life, you cannot judge somebody’s character until you truly get the chance to understand the person.