An unexpected twist of fate

Many things were changed this week. Our training schedule had to be adjusted to meet the demands of the company. Inevitably, some programmes needed to be postpone because of the tight constraints surrounding the circumstances. But with this change, there is no doubt we’ll be open up to new experiences earlier and given the rare chance to work with our seniors even before our training phase ends.

Then, we were also informed that we’ll be participating in our first evaluation next week which required some role-playing. Not something we had expected as we only thought that evaluations meant simulated battles between two opposing forces. Hence, the role play is definitely something that I’m looking forward to as it helps to break the monotonous training schedule and inject some elements of excitement back into our lives.


2 responses to “An unexpected twist of fate”

  1. cool…
    I only managed to have this kind of wargame thing at my urban warfare training. It’s really fun to fight against real people.
    Anyway, are you given a personal weapon? What’s your role in the section?

  2. Yong Chuan

    Yup, we’ll have our personal weapons & roles when we graduate from the course.

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